Locate rust and corrosion in underground cables

Project Overview

A process of identifying and pinpointing the presence of rust and corrosion in underground cables using surveying techniques. This might involve using specialized equipment to scan for signs of corrosion. Surveying the cables can also include visual inspections, taking measurements and collecting data that can help to identify the extent and severity of the corrosion, which is important for maintaining the integrity of the cables and ensuring the safety of the infrastructure.

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Benefits of Service

Our specialist can detect several types of defects in underground cables, including:

Corrosion: GPR can detect corrosion on metal cables, both on the outer surface and inside the cable.

Cracks: GPR can detect cracks and breaks in underground cables, which can cause loss of power or signal transmission.

Water infiltration: GPR can detect water infiltration inside underground cables, which can cause damage to the cable insulation and lead to short-circuiting.

Splices and connections: GPR can detect splices and connections in underground cables, which can indicate a potential point of failure.

Cable depth: GPR can also detect the depth of underground cables, which can be useful in determining the location of the cable and avoiding damage during excavation or construction.

Cable damage: GPR can also detect damage to the cable insulation and the metal conductor inside the cable.

When GPR is used to detect corrosion in underground cables, the electromagnetic wave is able to penetrate the cable and reflect back to the surface. The reflection will be different if the cable is corroded or not. Corroded cables will reflect a weaker signal back to the surface than a non-corroded cable.

When GPR is used to detect cracks, breaks, water infiltration, splices and connections and cable depth, the GPR will detect the change in the subsurface composition, and will reflect different signals, the operator can then interpret this data to locate the specific defects.

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